Youth division

Player registration and registration fee for winter 2020-2021

Player registration is done through the Nora registration system. Every player of every youth group in Keflavík‘s Basketball department needs to be registered.

  • Nora registration system is accessible here

Registration fee can be paid via credit card or by having a payment slip sent to the online bank. It is possible to split the fee up to 7 payments.

In regards of incentive payments, the department will send verified registration list November 1st 2020 and February 1st 2021. Therefore we encourage guardians to finish registrations before that time if they plan on applying for incentive payments from Reykjanesbær. Further information about incentive payments from Reykjanesbær can be found here.

Upon first registration to Keflavík‘s Basketball department the player will recieve a uniform from Keflavík‘s Basketball youth board. Further information regarding uniforms can be found here.


Keflavík‘s Basketball Kindergarden group

The department will have scheduled practices for older kids, born 2015-2016. This will be announced later.


Registration fee for Keflavík‘s Basketball youth, Winter 2020-2021

6-7 years, born 2013 and 2014 53.500 kr

8-9 years, born 2012 and 2011 61,500 kr

10-11 years, born 2010 and 2009 67.500 kr

7.-8 grade, born 2008 and 2007 ISK 73,500

9th grade and older, born 2006 and older 77.500 kr

Kindergarden group, 8 weeks course 7.500 kr



Siblings discount and is 20%


(No siblings discount for kindergarden group)